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Happy New Year! Happy times ahead for the property market!

With enquiries still coming in over the Christmas period, it is a great indication of what lies ahead for the local property market, with interest from buyers looking to invest in our area.

It is proving to be a great time to buy and sell, especially as house prices are starting the year off stable. 2019 May see some ups and downs, but predictions are that international property buyers will still want to lay their Euros on our soil. I guess the proof is in the pudding, and we will see soon enough what 2019 has in store for us.

If you’re thinking of selling your home and not sure where to start? Here’s a quick checklist for preparing your home for sale.

1) Are your papers in order? Make sure you have all of your paperwork ready. You’ll need your Title Deeds (Escritura De Compraventa) or at least a copy, your N.I.E. certificate, Passport for identification, a copy of your utility bills, and 2 Certificates (EPC and Habitation).

2) Can you see your house from the road? If your bougainvillea is so overgrown, you can’t even see your front door, now is the ideal time to give it the “short back and sides” look! Potential buyers like to see an inviting front entrance into the home. It shows them you haven’t neglected the property.

3) Does your doorbell work? The amount of times I have stood outside a property, ringing the doorbell, with buyers by my side… waiting, and waiting, and waiting for the homeowner to let us in, when eventually they come to the door and say “oh sorry to keep you waiting, my bell doesn’t work!” This is an easy and quick fix! But most importantly, if it works, it proves you look after everything in the home.

4) Keep your home tidy! Again, this is a quick fix and easy to do. Make your beds every day, and make sure there’s no washing up in your sink! The easiest is to wash up as you use, and don’t let it pile up. More importantly is the bathroom. Keep the toilet seat and lid closed! Easy to do! Don’t ask why, just do it! No buyer wants or needs to look inside your toilet!

Whether you’re buying or selling, if moving is in your immediate future, don’t hesitate and wait. You can make a start by calling your local Real Estate Professional today.

Here’s to your successful 2019!

Selling your home? Enjoy the journey!


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