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If you really want to attract that right buyer in today’s market, you need to focus on the outside of your property more than ever.

Selling a home during a pandemic is forcing buyers to drive themselves to view properties instead of going with the Real Estate Agent, so the first impression is more important today than ever before.

So let me ask you, does your home have curb appeal? Does it beckon the buyers inside for a closer look, or does it try to hide behind a wall of unkept landscaping and paint that’s peeling?

If it doesn’t scream “bienvenido” (welcome) to every potential buyer as they do a drive-by, then you need to fix it right now.

Here are 3 things you need to focus on, immediately:

1. If you’re in an apartment block, make sure the communal entrance is swept and cleaned every single day. Have a few flowers in neatly lined pots outside if possible. Greenery and flowers always have a welcoming appeal.

2. For properties with private entrances, make sure the boundary walls are freshly painted. If you have outside lighting, are they all the same type of bulb and do they all work? No burnt out lightbulbs! How does your driveway look? Are there weeds growing between the tiles? This is an easy fix! Remove the weeds and use a pressure washer to give it a fresh look.

3. Whatever style of property you’re selling, make sure the front door is looking its best! This is not the time for a scruffy, dirty or paint peeling entrance. You could also buy a new doormat, replace the hardware and make sure the house numbers are clean and clearly visible.

Imagine yourself as a buyer. Take a walk across the street and look back at your property. What are your first thoughts? “Ooooh that looks nice!” Or, “keep on driving!”

Buyer’s could drive past in the evening too, so if you have outside lights, make sure they’re on. Your home is on display morning, noon and night, so make it stand out for the right reasons.

If you’re ready to sell your home, or are already on the market, head to for my list of the “80 Things You Can’t Afford To Neglect When Selling Your Home!”

See our advert in the centre pages of this newspaper.


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