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5 Common Mistakes A Buyer Makes in Spain.

Inmobiliaria Estate Agent, Ciudad Quesada

When searching for your dream home, there are a few common mistakes that, you the buyer, makes which can ultimately jeopardize losing out on the purchase of your future home in Spain.

Here are 5 errors that are easily avoidable:

  1. “We don’t have to decide right now. If it’s meant to be, it’ll still be waiting for us.”

Thinking this is a big mistake, and whilst there are a good selection of homes to choose from, there are also a lot of serious buyers and investors out there, that are also looking at the same properties as you. So by the time you’ve made your decision, it could be too late! Disappointment, my house hunting friends, is a feeling that could be completely avoided. If it feels right, why wait?

2. Aesthetics – Do you care too much for curb appeal?

Hey, everyone would like a home that screams “look at me,” but not everyone has the funds or imagination to be able to transform a bland entrance into Buckingham Palace!

Don’t drive past with your foot to the floor! This could be the “hidden gem” you’ve been looking for. Go on, stop the car and get out. Go inside and have a look. There are a lot of properties that are very deceiving from the outside, and need to be viewed from the inside, to appreciate everything it has to offer. Every house has a heart, you just have to look a little harder to find it sometimes. Beauty in the eye of the beholder!

3. Don’t look at so many houses!

Years ago, well not that many actually, buyers used to look at three or four homes, then decide which one to buy. And buy they did! Now there are some buyers that view far too many homes, and have even admitted to have seen between 40 and 60 houses! In the end, they didn’t buy anything, because they were just too confused. I ask them, how can they remember what they’ve seen? Always the same reply… They shrug their shoulders.

The more you look at, the more confusing it becomes.

You need to make sure you’ve relayed to your Real Estate Agent, exactly what you’re looking for, and let them narrow your search down for you.

Looking at four or more, you’ll never be sure. Look at three or less, you’ll find happiness!

4. It’s not all about the cash!

Yes cash talks, but even if you need a loan, you could still negotiate a good deal. As long as you’re a good candidate for a mortgage, or have even been pre-approved, you can make an offer and complete in a few months. It may suit a seller better anyway, as they may need extra time to arrange the move while the bank is sorting out your funds. So don’t let it stop you putting your offer forward.

5. How to make an offer.

Okay, so if you’re a British buyer, and the exchange rate may not be all that you were hoping for, but putting in an offer needn’t be an embarrassing time, so don’t feel ashamed if your offer is a little lower than you’d have liked. This is the best time to use your Real Estate Agent, and let them do the negotiations for you. You, as a buyer, need to be open, and as up front as possible with your Agent when making your offer, so they will be able to make a good case for you.

You need to remember, the only person stopping you from making your dream a reality is you!


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