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Are you on the move?

Whether you’re thinking of selling or are in the process of completing your sale, there’s one thing that most people dread…. Moving!

The best way to help with the stress is to be as organised as possible. It’s not too bad if it’s a holiday home as most times they’re sold fully furnished, but if it’s your permanent residence then like everyone else, you’ve accumulated memories along the way that need to be boxed up and moved with you to your new home.

It’s always advisable to start having a sort through what you’ll be wanting to keep and what you’ll be wanting to donate when your house comes to the market, but I know that this isn’t everyone’s favourite job and putting it off until you’ve found a buyer seems like a good idea. Notice the word “seems”… If you start early enough and do a little at a time, this will definitely help ease the potential stress of the impending move.

But, if time is not on your side and you need to get moving physically and literally, then start by putting post-it notes on items you’re wishing to keep. I’ve used green ones for “go,” red ones for “no” and yellow ones for “maybe”.

If you need boxes, instead of buying them, why not go to your local supermarket and ask them for some. They’re always throwing boxes out and will be glad to let you have them for free.

When it comes to boxing up fragile items, wrap them in towels and clothing. This will save you money on bubble wrap and paper.

Jewellery can slide everywhere, even in jewellery boxes. By threading necklaces through a straw then closing the clasp will keep them from tangling together.

Most importantly with any major move, is to be prepared for your first night in your new home. Keep one box to the side with all of your immediate necessities within easy reach. Put in the box - paper plates, plastic cutlery, paper cups, kitchen towel, toilet paper, soap and dishwashing liquid. At least now you won’t be rummaging around going through every box looking for some soap!

In most cases sellers leave their homes in reasonably clean condition, but there’s nothing like having a good clean through yourself in your new home before filling the kitchen cupboards. Unlike in Scandinavia, sellers in Spain are not obligated to have the property professionally cleaned before handing over the keys to the new homeowners, so try to be considerate when leaving your old home for your new one.

Packing up in the early morning or later at night will be easier as it’s too hot during the day to manage such a demanding job this time of year.

You do know the easier alternative is to pay someone to do it for you - whilst you sit back and look forward to the first night in your new home!


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