“When is the best time of year to sell my house, to bank the most amount of money?” Is it Spring, Summer, Autumn or Winter?
This has to be the most common question I get asked!
Pre-pandemic the answer would be anytime between January to July then September to December. This year so far though, the marketplace has definitely changed.
Potential buyers are returning to Spain as and when they can. They’re not taking any chances on potential travel restrictions. August is usually a quiet month for property sales however August 2021 proved to be very busy indeed.
Buyers that purchase during Autumn and Winter are often looking for the Winter sun. Sunny outside areas, South facing properties, etc. Whereas buyers that are searching in Spring and Summer are looking for sun as well as shaded areas.
If you’re thinking of selling your home, don’t leave it. Get it on the market as soon as possible. There is no better time to sell than right now!
For tips on selling your property, head to www.80ThingsReport.com to download a complimentary copy of my “80 Things You Can’t Afford To Neglect When Selling Your Home!”